***Warning*** There are exactly 38,318 blog posts online that promise to teach you how to start a blog in 20 minutes and make $10,000 in your 3rd month blogging. This is not one of those. This is a proven framework that shows you what you need to do to start a blog that will actually make YOU, not the blogger who’s preaching, money. You may need to pin or bookmark it for later because you will have to keep coming back to it.***
Done ranting now.

Now to be honest that 38,318 blog posts number was made up and probably a gross underestimate but who cares how many they really are?
Its only purpose was to grab your attention.
If you leave with nothing else today, I want you to remember this.
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links from Amazon or other publishers I trust (at no extra cost to you). See disclosure for details.
To stand out online (and make money), you have to first GRAB attention and you can’t do that if you don’t know whose attention you want to grab or what even interests them.
That is why starting a blog that makes money DOES NOT start with buying a domain name and hosting, it starts with the question “Who do you want to serve?”. Because let’s face it, if you start a business that serves no one, it does absolutely no one any good, most especially you.
So, if this is the first blog post you are reading with this perspective, you are NOT going to start your blog today.
This week even.

Yep, sorry.
Psst! Only interested in learning how to make your own blog, skip to this post or learn how to get my start a blog course showing you everything to do beyond installing WordPress for FREE.
But. When you do create a blog, you will do so with the confidence that you are building one of the very best businesses for a stay at home mom.
You’ll have a clear marketing strategy, and start seeing results sooner because really, this is the easiest way to make money blogging. Surest is same thing as easiest right?
1. Start A Blog With The End In Mind
You choose a college degree with the end in mind, you start baking a cake with a picture in mind, you even have a fuzzy picture of what your family should look like in the future right? The same thing goes for starting a business, you decide what you want out of it and everything you actually do in between your now and the end goal somehow has to align with what you are aiming for.
So why not so with a blog?
The biggest mistake new bloggers make, apart from trying to start a blog for free, is doing random things and hoping one sticks.
And do you know what happens? They burnout before anything sticks.
To figure out my ‘big picture’ I often ask these two questions:
- What kind of lifestyle do I want? (4-hour work week, 8 hour work day…)
- How much do I want to make monthly? (For inspiration, here’s what’s obtainable for moms in all niches).
Why is this step important? Your blog niche, blog plan, or strategy will differ depending on what you want in the end.
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2. Choose Your Niche IN A Target Market
The way to build a brand that attracts a loyal following is to target a particular set of people. These people hang out together and are more likely to recommend you to their friends because you speak to them, it’s like your business was made just for them. It’s not the same thing as simply choosing a niche.
Someone who does this really well is Kara Fidd. She’s a graphic designer but instead of simply casting a wide net for everyone who needs graphic design, Kara focuses on teaching graphic design to grow your blog, and her results have been amazing.
Niche: Graphic Design
Niche in TM: Graphic Design for Bloggers (Tutoring)
‘…building my blog around my target audience resulted in faster growth, not only because I already had a set of people that were familiar with me and my work and that I could market to, but also because I was already very familiar with their pain points and what they wanted. I was able to set up opt-ins and a tripwire right away because I already knew what they wanted. There was less trial and error trying to figure out what they wanted. Because the opt-in worked so well, my list grew fast and I was able to launch my first product by my 7th month which generated just under $11k in it’s first week!’ – Kara Fidd“
Blown away yet?
Another great reason why a target audience is important is that you will come to discover that with blogging nothing is set in stone. It is so much easier to change or expand your blog direction when your audience is mostly interested in the same things.
Other important questions to ask when choosing a niche are:
- What are your passions?
- What do you do now?
- What do people say you know how to do?
- Are there others doing what you want to do?
- How big is the market?
- How strong is the competition?
- How much expertise do you have in the niche? (Remember you want to stand out)
- How will you monetize it?
- Are you comfortable with the common monetization technique?
- Would it be possible to use another model?
- How much effort and time will it take to make money out of it?
Take your time with niche choosing, it’s one of the important reasons why blogs fail.
Pinpoint your perfect profitable niche in 30 mins or less with the Niche Choosing Playbook.

We are focusing on niche choosing so much because it’s really that important! It can literally decide if you get to make money blogging (loads of it) or if you never make a cent.
3. Pick a Domain Name
Now that you’ve gotten your niche and target audience down, it’s time to pick your ideal domain name before it gets snagged. Even though a domain name will not necessarily make or break your business, securing one now should help you focus and make blogging feel all the more real. Yay!
You mean hosting right?
No, I don’t.
But bluehost, or whatever hosting provider so and so blogger ‘uses’, gives you a free domain name when you sign up…
Hear me, hear me. Mine does too but it doesn’t matter.
A free domain name to entice you costs just around $13 for that first year, you’ll have to pay the next year. I know because I did it and had a ton of trouble trying to switch hosts. Is $13 enough to lock you into a service you may not enjoy and keep you at their mercy?
Blogging best practice is to buy your domain and hosting service separately. I use NameCheap, they have the cheapest price and now include free privacy protection forever (you’ll still pay for this with a ‘free’ domain name deal). You can also put up your domain name for sell if you decide you didn’t like it anyway. Talk about control.
Now, before you run off to register just anything, here are a few things a great domain is:
- Brandable
- Not confusing
- Easy to pronounce
- Not easily misspelt
- Not restrictive
- Not hyphenated or numerical
Here are some mom blog names you may like.
Even though keywords in blog names aren’t important anymore it’s still great to use a word that describes what you do so people can guess right from your domain name.
You may also decide to buy reliable webhosting now or wait till later.
It’s better to wait a bit in my opinion, there are many things more important at this point than tinkering with wordpress.

Have you noticed we haven’t gotten into the actual writing yet?
4. Find Relevant Products & Freebies To Promote
Now this one largely depends on how quickly you would like to see returns from your investment but if it’s anytime soon, say the first 3 months, you’ll have to either create entry level products (usually priced below $25 dollars), services to offer, or/and find affiliate products to promote.
Interested in affiliate marketing? Check out this free training
The best way to do this is to learn what your audience is already searching for.
If you aren’t in a haste to make money however, focus on building your email list instead by creating valuable freebies.
How do you find out what they want?
Step #1 Create an avatar/ buyer persona
Step #2 Find the blogs they read. What questions do they ask in the comments?
Step #3 Join the facebook groups they are in. What keeps popping up? Hint: You can also validate an existing idea like the ones you found in blog comments by searching a facebook group for it.
Another good way to find out is to check out your competition’s product and optin freebie list. What are they already selling? What are they promoting the most (it’s already doing pretty good)? Like my Blog Plan Freebie which is incredibly successful was a version of an idea I got from someone else’s blog. Just remember to put your own spin on them.

5. Choose A Reliable Webhost & Use WordPress
With domain names, cheaper is better. With webhosting, cheaper is 90% of the time NOT better.
Each second your site is down, you are potentially losing revenue. That is why you shouldn’t skimp on webhosting bugdet.
I started with Geekstorage to host my blog and I had a good experience.
Before I chose them OVER siteground (the best among the popularly recommended hosts, they are great too), I had been monitoring live tests of the best hosting services and Geekstorage had, until recently, continually outperformed siteground and other hosts for years.
Lyrical Host is also a great option with lots of freebies and resources for non-techies in the UK.
But what I recommend now is NameHero for reasons I share in my emails. And the best part is that they are cheaper than Siteground!
And if you optimize your site to use fewer resources, you can get away with paying for a cheaper plan for much longer. Do you even understand what I’m saying?
Note: Whatever host you choose, use a website monitoring tool to monitor for downtime and always ask your hosting service support for best practices.
For example:
I installed a cache plugin as recommended by my web host and my blog literally aces speed tests even with ads running:

For people who aren’t techy, please note that Geekstorage is called “Webhosting for Geeks” for a reason :). See the option I recommend for non-techies and an exclusive bonus here.
WordPress is recommended because it is the most SEO friendly, robust, well supported option out there. Although wordpress installation is pretty easy, I have a blog setup post which I recommend you check out because it includes other stuff above just installing wordpress. But you can use this step by step video tutorial if you prefer.
6. Brand Yourself
Here at FBM, I emphasize branding because a great brand advertises itself half the time. Consistent colors and fonts means you are instantly recognizable and if I found got great content from you before, there’s a high chance I will click over again. Your premium content builds you a reputation that your brand solidifies. Here’s proof.

Consider your audience, what would resonate with them? What does color psychology say about your colors (it’s science, it’s been proven but don’t get too hung up on it).
This is especially important if you want to grow your traffic with Pinterest where you have to work really hard to stand out.
The most successful bloggers use great-looking photos and templates. Kara who we talked about before has a great resource library if you would like to learn how to design your blog graphics, you can enroll in her free design lab here or you can start for free with these 7 free
You should also check out this awesome free ebook on branding by the branding queen Dre Beltrami.
Then also, remember that branding isn’t just about looks, it’s about what people feel about your brand.
7. Write With Your Products In Mind
So you’ve been aching to start writing right? Here is where it finally starts but I’ll warn you, it may not be as fun as you expected. Your first blog post ISN’T going to be a “Hey internet, I’m pouring my heart out here” post that will only leave your mom and sister in awe of your awesomeness. No, that isn’t how to blog.
We want to start with a bang and maybe make some money remember. Even better if we do so passively right?
That is why you need to create a blog plan before you even start writing.
The Kickass Blog Starter Plan
- Choose your niche
- Decide Products
- Map sales funnels
- Create relevant Lead magnets and
optin freebies - Signup for a good email service provider (I use Mailerlite and they are free for up to 1000 contacts.)
- Write Welcome Email Sequences
- Write Blog Posts that have huge standalone value but also promote your
and products as valuableoptins ,addons .
And don’t forget to create a great about me page! The best about me pages have the power to turn one time visitors into live fans.
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8. Create Searchable, Shareable Epic Content
Content is the one thing I believe can make or break your blog. You can’t get lucky with bad content. If you click over to my blog post and it’s trash, you won’t be reading it, sharing it, clicking through links and definitely will skip visiting again when you see it’s me. And so will google. I got together 10 ‘A’ list bloggers to share their secrets to creating great posts with viral posts.
If you do not have time to read the whole post anyway, your basic takeaway is this. Great content should:
- Be searched for
- Be searchable (Mike Pearson has a great SEO guide)
- Skimmable
- Actionable
- Overdeliver
- Exist in topic clusters
- AND align with your blog plan
Again, Paul covers this thoroughly in his course. See why I recommend this course yet?
Here are some great blog post ideas to help you get started.
9. Optimize Your Blog for Leads and Sales
You are out to make money blogging right? This is how you do it.
Look at it this way:
Blog = yard
Mailing list = shop
Segments = shop corners
If your yard isn’t strategically built to funnel people into your shop and help them find the corners with products that interest them, you’ll have people come into the yard, go around in circles and leave.
You’ll have people stumble into your shop by chance (probably not your target people) glance around, maybe go into the wrong corner and bolt through the nearest doors.
So you need to take your blog from random to strategic, the first part of your funnel.
This involves your blog structure, what is it telling people to do?
Where are you placing ads… how are you using affiliate links, optins, are you shoving just anything in their faces or casually offering them valuable addons that profit you too.
What tools are you using? Convertkit, Mailerlite.
10. Drive Traffic To Your Blog
So you’ve written epic content and created super valuable freebies, “internet get ready for me, I’m about to go viral!”
Day one: Just wait a bit, they’ll come
Day two: Maybe a week
30 days later

That is the story of every blogger who jumps in without a view of the full picture first, yours truly included.
How can you be wiser?
- Install social media sharing buttons – easiest peasiest most basic thing to do. I use and love Social Warfare, what a name! Install pin it buttons.
- Focus on one social media (Get started with Pinterest first using this awesome free course) and optimize it for quick returns but don’t neglect optimizing your blog for seo AKA make it searchable.
- Use pinterest templates to save time. (Get 7 free)
- Reach out to influencers in your niche or related niches. Feature them in your blog posts, link to their awesome content. Blogging isn’t a competition, you’ll be surprised how much people are willing to collaborate AS LONG AS YOU ARE BRINGING SOMETHING VALUABLE TO THE TABLE.
- Guest post for traffic, authority, new leads, backlinks (great for SEO), and most importantly, for relationships. Here’s a great guide on guest posting to help you get started.
While this is by no means everything you should do to make your blog successful, if you do just half or even a third of the things covered in this post, you’ll be well on your way to blogging success.
You’ll have an audience (your audience!!!) to interact with, ask what they want in emails, and pick their brains for your product creation or affiliate product choices! The best part is they’ll love you for it.
All that would be left is to rinse and repeat as many times as you want.
There’s a free starting a blog checklist that includes some technical and SEO specific tasks too included in my free blog plan, let’s get you started on the right footing.
Before you go, one last thing.
Paid courses work better than free stuff because you stop searching and try to get value out of the money you’ve already paid. But with free stuff you figure, hey I got this awesome value for free, let me find some more and hoard em for later.
Don’t be like that.
The best thing you will do today is to STOP SEARCHING for the best strategy. If you’ve found one GOOD ENOUGH, just stopping searching and start implementing. John C. Maxwell said “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” and work here isn’t mapping (mapping is still part of the dream) it’s doing, ask me how I know.
PPS: This post took me quite sometime to put together so I’ll appreciate if you pass it along to someone you know who needs it. You could also leave me a comment, I respond to everyone single one. And don’t forget to pin me for good karma! 😉
Thank you Lily, for all the advice! I’m an Interior Designer whose looking to try a “virtual” business and I believe blogging may do that. I look forward to learning and if you have any specific advice for my idea, I would appreciate it very much!
BusyB a.k.a Brandi
Such a great tips.. We leave to learn everyday, Some of your tips i have applied some i haven’t but will be taking it one after the other. Keep up the good job in helping us become pro bloggers.
Thanks Natalie!
Wishing you all the best.
Thank you for sharing this information. I’ve been really interested in starting a blog for some time now but haven’t had the courage to do so but after reading your article I feel like I have a better idea of what path I would like to take my future blog. Thanks again!
I appreciate this article for the well-researched content and excellent wording. I got so interested in this material that I couldn’t stop reading. Your blog is really impressive.
I’ve just discovered your website and I love all your articles. You share so many valuable informations and that’s what makes your blog unique. Thank you for the free eBook and Pinterest templates(they are some of the best).
Hi Lily,
Thank you SO much for sharing this information. I’m very excited to launch my blog this guide is exactly what I’m looking for.
All the Best,
You are welcome Ashley!
Glad I could help.
Hey Lily!
Thanks so much for this insightful piece. I saw your profile on Pinterest, was so captivated, and became an instant follower.
Reading this at a time like this (starting out as a new blogger ) has really given me clarity of purpose. Your content is amazing, thanks again!
Love how you got to the point and is actually trying to help us.
Great article. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thanks so much Evelyn!
Well, Hi. I’m Brazilian and a wannabe mother. I’m looking for a career online, and I Started a Blog. I believe I got a good niche (organizing for anxious persons). But I’m not an expert. And I’m afraid that not being a professional harms my future success.
Hi Jullyana!
Great to hear you’ve started a blog.
You know, being an expert and being a professional aren’t really the same.
You don’t have to be an expert to be professional. And even that; professionalism, isn’t required for a successful blog.
You just need to be one step ahead of the person you are teaching. And find your unique selling point.
Hi Lily,
Thanks a ton for this. I had absolutely no idea about so many of these things. Most of the other posts spoke about good content, quality pictures and consistency etc but the way you’ve spoken about the details is outstanding. It has been very very helpful. After years of contemplation I have finally decided to start a blog about living a sustainable lifestyle (something I have always been very passionate about) for millennials living in the cities. I am a little scared but also super excited. I mainly want to create awareness an educate them of the possibilities of them making a change. Most of us feel so helpless as we’re bombarded in the news about climate change etc but I want to be solutions focused. I want the blog to be more than ‘reusable bottles and bamboo toothbrushes’ but also below the scientific data that goes through our heads. I want to make it relevant to them. Phew! sorry for the rant. thank you so much once again. Hope you have a great day! <3
Feel free to “rant” Sarah, I loved every bit of it!
I’m so excited about how passionate you are about this. I’m sure you’ll do great.
Just make sure not to let passion get in the way of profitability when you start your blog 🙂
Let me know if you need any help.
Hi Lily. You are so right that blogging has changed. This is a great guide to getting started blogging, with important detail. People should know that it isn’t a case of just opening a hosting account.
Hey Meghan!
So glad to see you here. So much has changed with blogging today and I only hope to provide moms with the information they need to start a blog that makes money.
This is one of the best guides I’ve read. It’s realistic and it gives you actionable steps. This is nice after going through blogs that just push products at you.
It might have taken you some time to put this together Lily, but I must say the output is well worth it.
One thing I might add is that beginners need to be careful when starting to blog.
Shiny object syndrome exists, niche wise. And if one is not careful, the lure of profitable niches can make them start two or more niche blogs that can lead to a bitter burnout.
It’s good to pick just one niche when just starting and making it count, rather than running two or more blogs concurrently without enough experience with one.
It’s all about the FOCUS. Following one course until success, before diversifying.
Great post with excellent blogging skills. I really like your post especially the skills that you have included. I totally agree with you that having a great communication skill, photography and marketing skill are truly vital in blogging field, whereas having a great communication skill will helps to communicate with the readers, people in a better way. Adopting these skill will provide us great benefits and definitely helps to achieve blogging success.
You totally spoke to my soul with this post. I’m the wanderer with far too many interests and passions.. I just need to pick one and get it together. Thanks for pointing that out. Definitely the #1 reason I haven’t been successful at earning an income with my blog yet.
A huge guide to beginners, I especially loved your growing your list first idea. because it’s so important for new bloggers. Instead of trying random things first know what your audience wants and then serve them with that. this is epic
Hi, lily! This is my first time commenting on a blog. I have wanted to start one myself, for financial and personal purposes, for a year now. Turned to Pinterest for help, but just reading the blogs got me too overwhelmed. So much information distracted me every time. I am about to start with the help of your one year plan! Your checklist and the plan made stuff clear. Wish me luck!
Hey Shreeza!
Glad you found the post helpful, goodluck with your blog 🙂
Wonderful tips Lily!
All superb advice and if some is reading these lines and they intend to make their first website right after reading, then my advice to them is to not make the most common mistake newbies make.
Choosing niche that’s too broad and that’s lucrative, yet they couldn’t care less about the topic.
Instead, go targeted and create a a blog you’d want to read if it were someone else’s.
I totally agree on creating a blog you’d want to read if you were someone else! That’s a good point Nikola.
And yes, for the first blog, I often advise that people blog about something they love. That is practical too. There’s just so much to learn at first and you don’t need the headache of trying to learn a new niche too!
A very detailed and comprehensive guide Lily.
I think what you say about stopping yourself from searching for “the best strategy” and just sticking to one, is one of the best pieces of advice for anyone.
You can waste so much time hopping around looking for “the secret” that you just end up confused and out of time. If the strategy you use doesn’t work out, you can always change up!
You are so right Paul. I know first hand how I wasted so much time digging for the best “secret” and overwhelming myself in the process when I was just starting out. The best thing to do is to start.
Thank you for the article, you are an inspiration to us all.
Thanks Sofia!
You inspire me!
Thanks for all this wonderful information. I did notice for this sentence under #5, I use geekstorage to host my blog and I love them. the link goes to siteground. I never heard of either so it confused me, i ended up googling geekstorage to find it. Is this who you use? https://www.geekstorage.com/
Hi Janelle,
Thank you for reading! I’m glad you found it helpful.
About your question, geekstorage vs siteground. I personally use geekstorage but I’ve found that they aren’t the best fit for beginners. We call it hosting for geeks for a reason. And recently, siteground has been acing the tests + their customer support (which you’ll need a lot) is excellent. They’ve always been my 2nd choice anyway. I intend to update the post with this info ASAP.
You can sign up for either depending on your tech competence. Geekstorage will cost less if you are techy, Siteground costs $10 more for the first year but is better if you’ve never done this hosting thing before. There’s a 3rd, lyrical host. These people are premium but have bonus addons like stock images and other resources, you’ll love them if you can afford them!
Here are my affiliate links, you can check them out and choose whichever suits you best.
https://geekstorage.com/aff/1039 – The cheap and reliable for techy people
https://findingbalance.mom/siteground – The affordable choice with great customer support
https://findingbalance.mom/lyricalhost – The best choice for those that can afford it.
If you choose Geekstorage in the end, sign up for their unlimited hosting(not performance hosting), that’s all you need to get started.
Let me know if you have other questions.
Hi Lily! I love this post! I just signed up for webhosting via Geekstorage through your link! So excited to get started with my own blog ✨✨✨?? I hope to hear from you soon via email.
Thanks Natalie!
Hope you love them as much as I do!
Thanks so much for the detailed breakdown! I am prepping to add a blog to my business plan, and found your post very helpful!
You are welcome Rachel!
Glad you found it helpful!
First, I want to thank you for your realistic “how to start a blog” advice. I’ve had one blog that didn’t make it (for many reasons that you addressed, thanks for that!) and I’m considering the idea of creating another. Your instructions are clear, concise, and thorough and that’s exactly what we need in the blog consulting world. Thank you so so so much!
PS: Like an above commenter, I too fell into the rabbit hole of links you provided, but not reluctantly. The links provided relevant content to enrich your information.
Thank you so much Shawnee, your comment means a lot to me.
And good luck this time, you’ll rock it!
Easy to digest post about some beginner information about blogging. But I have some questions:
1) Why choose “WordPress” over software X?
It would be more informative if you write about software agnostic instructions.
Because if person X uses another software you put questions in his/her mind (can it still fit? if not, does it need a lot of tweaking? etc)
2) Do you really believe that seeing the “end” helps?
I don’t. Most of the times when I started something (either a sport, a foreign language or something else) and thought about the days when I will “receive” instead of (only) working hard made me quit due to the huge amount of effort needed.
If you are a solid personality, I think it’s better if you take it step-by-step.
Hi Konstantinos!
Thanks for your comment.
To answer your questions, question 1:
I have a post that talks about the reasons to choose wordpress over others right here https://findingbalance.mom/how-to-start-a-mom-blog
Question 2:
While I agree that planning step by step till the end can cause overwhelm, I still hold that it’s very wise to have a clear picture of what you want and some idea of how you’ll get there.
Your plans will change but you’ll save a lot of time than just winging it.
Starting a blog is such a daunting task that most of the people don’t even start it thinking that too much technical knowledge is required.
This blog post gave the step by step ideas to start an awesome blog.
I believe that starting a blog is much easier than finding the right niche. You explained it pretty well that how can anyone choose the perfect niche to start a profitable blog.
Thanks a lot for helping everyone with your awesome article.
Thanks so much for leaving a comment Kulwant!
I’m a big fan so it’s great to see you here!
Thank you so much for keeping it real! I feel like so many bloggers today leave you hanging with some of their “how to start a blog” posts. This was soooo in depth and you had so many links to other blog posts and affiliates that were relevant and worked seamlessly into your post. Which btw I clicked on quite a few of them. I almost got lost down the rabbit hole once or twice. Lol. I loved it all! Just in this post alone I have had my mind blown and learned more then I have in the last year of research I’ve done. I think because of your post I’m ready to take the plunge and actually start my blog. Thank you so very much! I will definitely be subscribing to your email list. You’re amazing girl!
Thank you so much Megan for everything.
For this amazing comment that will most likely leave me feeling high the rest of today. Haha! For the clicks, everything.
You are triple awesome!
And I’m glad you got value out of the post.
I love the “dreams don’t work unless you do.” I haven’t started my blog yet but I am currently writing blog posts to have ready. Great info, it inspired me.
Thanks LeighAnne!
That was the quote that got me to start taking action so I share it all the time. Good luck with your blog.
Thanks for the valuable information! I’ve been toying with the idea of starting a blog for over a year and just haven’t made the leap. I appreciate all of your helpful advice and look forward to re-reading your posts as I make my plan!
Hi Misty,
You are welcome. But maybe it’s time to stop planning and just dive in? I would bet you have a lot of useful knowledge already and things never go 100% to plan so your plan will continue to change and evolve as you go. More important than planning is taking action. Just take what you’ve learned already and get started.
Love your writing style Lily, another great post!
Thanks so much Zoe!
Learned a lot from this post! Thanks for sharing.
You are welcome Abhishek!
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog (still very much in the early stages). Not sure who my competiton would be, but great idea to find them and see what they post, sell, and giveaway. Thank you for all the great resources also.
You’re welcome Kristal, good luck with your blog!
Hey, you’re truly God-sent!! I learnt a whole lot from this post, thank you. I want to start a lifestyle blog because I want flexibility, but you mentioned choosing a niche in TM. Now I’m not sure if that would work.
Hey Pearl,
It’s okay to start a lifestyle blog, in fact I recommend it since you are quite new and not sure what works right now. You just have to target one audience with your lifestyle blog instead of making it an anything goes blog.
Like you could start a mom lifestyle blog where you share anything lifestyle a mom would be interested in…
Hope this helps
Wowwwww…. Thank you so much. I’ve been trying to start a fashion blog without success. I picked out a couple of points.
Great to know this was of help Cynthia!
I think the most important point on there is to find a community. It makes it so much more easier to grow. You can join mine here .
Thanks for stopping by and good luck with your fashion blog.
Hey Cynthia, if you need specific advise on starting a fashion blog see this post. –> https://findingbalance.mom/how-to-start-a-fashion-blog
Wow–aren’t you a gift to the world? Thank you for this! (and the list!)
Well this is a surprise! Thank you so much for your kind words Jomona, I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment.
Hi, great article. Thanks for sharing! Some great tips here.
Thanks for reading Estie! I’m glad you found it helpful.