25 At-Home Date Ideas That Are Cheap (And Fun)

Is your relationship in a rot since having kids?

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Welcome to the hood!

Like you, after having my first child, my marriage went from spur of the moment, romantic thrill, to “whose putting the kids to bed?” at night discussions, every night real fast.

Warm, yes but sometimes we want that spark we once had back right?

So what’s a tired, stressed-out mom to do to get some (adult) pizazz back in her relationship?

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Here are the fun at home date ideas I’ve used over the years to keep the thrill alive!

These 25 cheap and cute at home date ideas to choose from are creative, fun, and romantic to enjoy. Let’s help you create great memories with your partner, and without having to hire a babysitter. Most times 😉

Psst! Never want to hire a babysitter ever again? Here are some work from home jobs perfect for moms with little kids.

Also check out my list of profitable business ideas you can do from home with little investment.

1. Learn Something Together

couple learning together for their at home date

Learning something new with someone is fun.

But have you ever thought of doing that with the one person your heart beats for?

My husband and I started learning Mandarin together using the Duolingo app. It’s free to start with too!

Try learning something together with your partner on an at-home date.

It could be a new language like us, how to do something or any preferred topic or subject and ask each other questions over burgers and fries.

2. Spend A Day in The Garden

couple in the garden on an at home date

If you two love nature like we do and have access to a garden, that’s awesome.

You can have fun planting flowers, seeds, or vegetables in the backyard on your at-home date.

I love the feel of soft sand under my feet. It feels earthy, and having my partner there with me reminds me “you are my root, my home is with you”.

It’s easily one of my favorite romantic date ideas at home to take. Just go ahead and have fun, and feel in tune with your SO.

3. Go to a Comedy Club At-home Date Night

couple laughing on an at home date

Looking for cheap date night ideas at home? 

This is one.

Here’s how it works:

  • Make a list of special and fun stand-up comedy videos from YouTube.
  • Save them to your phone or computer. If you use a phone, I suggest investing in one of these 3D Phone Magnifiers.
  • Sit side by side on the couch with pizza and a bottle of wine, and laugh your heart out together.

4. At-Home Cooking Competition

couple cooking together on an at home date

This is not my idea but it’s a great one!

Have a friendly cooking competition for your at-home date night.

You mustn’t tell each other and use the available ingredients without necessarily going to shop for groceries.

This will make it more romantic and fun as you both will challenge your creative ideas.

5. Put a Photo Album Together

couple at a table

Have you taken photos together with your SO?

Of course you have!

So what a great idea to sit together and collect all those photos into a photo album on a date!

It could be on a laptop, phone, or a hard copy photo album. You could also do that online, saving the memory of you two.

But if you are super organized and already have all your photos in an album, you are probably saying “this is one of your bright stay at home date ideas for couples?”

No worries, you can just go through what you have together and revel the memories as you spend an evening in each other’s arms.

6. Make A Bucket List

couple at a table

Only a few things make me reconnect with my husband better than dreaming together.

While it will be fun to try out those things you have been wanting to do as a couple before you got married, circumstances have changed.

Why not sit together on a date night and write down your new dreams and goals?

The big, the small, the possible and seemingly impossible ones too!

You could also include the ones you’ve achieved already and cross them off your list.

7. Host a Book Club

couple reading a book together

If you have books you would love to read together, o it on a date!

Host a book club for you two to read and ask each other questions over your date night.

Of course, you can do that with snacks and drinks to spice it up.

8. Throw Together a Game Night

I don’t know about you but I’ve never met a man who didn’t like games!

Our personal favorite is cards but you can do Chess, Scrabble, Monopoly, you can even play phone games.

Have some games set and challenge yourselves while you record your scores and see who wins and loses at the end.

I should mention though that the real fun in this date idea comes from the boasting and the teasing.

9. Make it a Theme Night

couple on a themed date

A theme date night is one fun at-home date idea for couples that I haven’t tried yet.

But since we do themed birthday parties already, why not right?

From the food you’d eat, movie to see, music to play, clothes to wear, how to speak and more, you can choose a theme and have a date night around that.

Examples are Asian, Italian, 1980’s, movie (Money Heist, Game of Thrones…) and the likes.

I’m getting really excited just thinking about this. If you do role play you know what I mean 😉

10. Have an At-home Dance Club

couple dancing togethe

Are you and your partner dance lovers?

Yes! We’ve got you a winner.

I wish we could all do like in the movies and dance to the song we met to or something like that but if like me, you can’t for the life of you figure what your first song was, just play something nice.

Get a playlist of songs you both love and dance together in a candlelit room.

And, don’t forget the wine. You can’t forget the wine!

11. Play a Trivia Game for Your At-home Date Night

Trivia nights are ideal for at-home date nights. And here are some questions you can ask each other.

But even better is asking questions about yourselves.

Sometimes it may seem you already know each other when it’s not really true.

Questions like:

  • What is your favorite thing about your partner?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • If you could choose one thing of yours to get rid of, what would you choose?

These are some good examples of questions you can ask each other. But you can also search online for more interesting ones.

You could also add a “punishment” for when someone fails, or a prize for when someone get it right.

12. Set Up a Fancy Bedroom Hotel At-home Date Night

couple on a luxury hotel room date

There is this luxury in visiting fancy hotels for dates.

Unfortunately, it may not always be possible for us moms for a nember of reasons.

But why not re-create the experience it yourself?

Have your bedroom converted into a fancy hotel room and enjoy a date night with your partner.

You can start buying some fancy lights, candles and other room items.

Order a nice meal for dinner, and champagne, then make a nice breakfast and serve it on bed the next morning.

Also, don’t forget to play some romantic songs in the background while you enjoy your date.

13. Have a Home Cinema Night.

This is one of the easiest ways to enjoy a date at home.

Preselect a movie together beforehand, get some popcorn and cozy up on the couch while the children sleep.

14. Watch a sports game together At-home Date Night

Do you both love sports?

This is perefct for you.

Eat hot dogs and cheese together, watch sport games and cheer your team up.

If you support different teams, it could be interesting if you make bets on which team wins and set a prize for the team that wins.

15. Make Ice Cream or Bread Together

How about having fun at home creating your own ice cream or break recipe with your partner on a date night?

It will be just like cooking together.

You can get a cheap ice cream maker in a local store near you.

16. Decorate mugs for each other

Rustle up some dollars for mugs and permanent markers to decorate them for each other while you also eat pizza and have some drinks.

This will be a great memory and a good reminder for you both of how much you love each other anytime you use them.

17. Put Up an At-home Picnic Date

couple having a picnic

Have you ever thought of having an indoor picnic?

This too is a crazy at-home date night idea yet fun!

Or try spreading a mat outside in the backyard if you prefer.

Make some sandwiches and homemade fruit juice and fruit salad for your home picnic.

18. Have a karaoke night

Ok I loooooove to sing and I looooooove this idea.

Especially because this could be a rainy-day date idea at home.

You can get some nice songs with lyrics on YouTube and sing them together for your date night.

19. Have a Video Game night

Another fun date night dinner idea for two at home is “video game night.”

Your SO probably already awns a PS2, 3, 4, or an Xbox on a PC video game or at least knows where to borrow one.

Both of you can now play this for your at-home date.

20. Have a Homemade Pizza Night

Go to YouTube and choose a snack you can bake together. You can make a variety of small chops if you have the time and enjoy them together or share with your neighbors. This is an indoor date idea at home.

21. Write out the story of how you met 

Plan an at-home date and put up the story of how you and your partner met. You could make it more fun by recording it as either a video or an audio. Of course, get snacks and drinks to spice your date night.

22. Babysit for a friend

couple carrying a baby

If you are yet to have kids, you can offer to look after your friend’s or neighbor’s kids.

This can also be an opportunity to learn about having kids.

And even if you have kids, you can still babysit for a friend as he and his partner go out on a date while they do the same to your kids the following week.

23. Learn your love languages

Do you know your partner’s love languages?

Why not learn that with fun on an at-home date?

You can ask yourself questions and create scenarios that reveal everything about your love languages.

Here is a good place to start.


The traditional Date-night with expensive movie night tickets, weekly and monthly reservations in advance is not a bad idea at all.

However, when you throw kids into the mix, at-home date nights can be a relationship saver. Literally.

It’s my hope that you’ve found a couple of creative, romantic and yet, cheap at-home night date ideas in this list to work some magic on your relationship without added stress.

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