Looking for ways to escape the stress and monotony that often comes with working from home? Look no further. These work from home memes are funny, relatable, and great to share with your other work-from-home friends.
Working from home can be challenging sometimes. Since you’re disconnected from other workers, it is easy to feel lonely. According to research, loneliness worsens depression or increases a person’s risk of one. Also, you have a higher chance of being burned out from stress. If it’s not the job, it’s the kids or some chores that need to be done. Before you know it, you are in an endless cycle of constantly doing something.
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That doesn’t make working from home bad. In fact, there are numerous advantages of remote work; you get to shower when you want, wear a jacket on PJ, and watch the kids feed. But that doesn’t make it less lonely.
Whether you’re working at home from LA, Boston or halfway across the world, these work-from-home memes are hilarious and relatable. Spend a few minutes laughing out loud, you can get back to work when you’re done.
Best work from home memes
- Have you noticed it? There are times you need to concentrate on an important job, and the nap comes, especially when you’re burnt out. This meme reminded me of it.
- Moms, I bet you’ll relate to this meme. You just need superhuman skills to meet deadlines with kids. That is why it is essential to get a babysitter to help. You can even go to a café, leaving them with your significant other.
Source: Hedge Humor
- There is no difference between the weekends and weekdays for a work-from-home mom. Same work, same stress! If you don’t define your work schedule, clients will do that for you, and you won’t like the result.
- As work-from-home moms, we live at work, but if we don’t consciously create time to hang out with family and friends, we will always be lonely. It doesn’t matter if your family is under the same roof as you; they won’t feel your presence if you don’t consciously create time for them.
- You’ll love this meme if your job includes video content creation. Except you don’t have kids at home, you’ll need to go to heaven to film one complete video without noise. Haha. Do you experience this?
PS: You can use a video editor like Filmora to remove the noise.
- Have you noticed that time runs so fast when you’re concentrating? You’ll be shocked that it’s 3 pm already. However, some studies have shown that your dressing for work can affect how well your brain functions. If you feel too comfy in your pajamas, try a slightly less casual outfit to see if you will work better.
Source: Indiantimes
Funny work from home memes
- It’s funny how we lament about being unproductive and still go back to being unproductive. If you experience this, take a break. Things like this signify that your brain needs to be refreshed. You can do that by reading fiction, watching an exciting movie, or taking a walk. This will spark your creativity and make you better ready to work.
- Working from home is not always easy. Some days are better than others. To keep the motivation coming, I clean up, dress up and sit at the table, and that tells my brain that I’m ready for work.
Work from home reality…#WFH #FunnyWFH pic.twitter.com/0mlIpPWeeO
— Webby Central (@WebbyCentral) July 6, 2020
- Work from home is more fun when mum is at home. She’ll pass you all you need until you’re done. But don’t get too used to it. Get up and walk around a bit. Your health will thank you for it.
Tea time ☕ English Edition
— Between Collective (@between_collect) May 12, 2022
It is never too much. 😜
.#marketing #marketingagency #digitalmarketing #millennials #9to5 #wfh #work #workhumor #wfhmemes #wtflife #relatable #englishmemes #millennialsmemes pic.twitter.com/jdqfyiD5Ox
Work from home memes Reddit
- Need some alone time for a meeting at home? Check the below meme. It’s really creative and cute. Though I would prefer being more detailed about what they could find in the specific places. I hope her kids obeyed.
Source: u/4musing_User_Name/Reddit
- Have you ever been in a meeting where you didn’t have anything to contribute and just couldn’t be bothered? This meme is for you.
Source: u/_workchronicles/Reddit
- When you do a call center job, you meet them in all their shades; happy, sad, funny, irritated, or angry. Indeed, this job is only for the patient.
Source: u/SerAntwon/Reddit
- Have you ever experienced that work-from-home loneliness? The isolation can make you imagine voices. Haha.
Source: u/heffyhamcomics/Reddit
- Raise your hands if you head to sleep immediately after a virtual meeting, laying aside what was delegated to you. I do it sometimes, but I always pay the price later. Procrastination kills the vibe; it could take extra effort to gather the momentum needed, when you’re set. Also, if you didn’t take adequate note of the instructions, it can be difficult asking your boss for an explanation when it’s late.
Source: u/wyattandblu/Reddit
- People think we have so much free time when they hear we work from home, not knowing that there are days we work round the clock, not minding what sleep experts say. Setting a good schedule is the key here; else, you will work your health away without knowing.
Source: u/workchronicles/Reddit
Zoom meeting memes
- The best time to be at ease is when the camera goes off or the network interrupts during a Zoom meeting. But be conscious about every click you make, so you don’t put the video on mistakenly. And for network, watch out, it may come on unawares!
- Has your boss ever asked for a Zoom meeting when you’re in the weirdest places? This meme is for you.
- Suit on flip-flops, we do it well! Working from home can make you wildly creative with fashion. Thank God the camera doesn’t capture our feet!
- When work is at home, you can get out of bed 2 minutes to your meeting and still appear in front of the camera looking sharp. You might need an extra 3mins for makeup though.
Looking for a remote job? Contact us 👀#jobs #hiring #HIRINGNOW #remote #remotejobs #wfh #WorkFromHome #meme #wfhmemes pic.twitter.com/hWrJy643Ce
— CB Recruitment (@cb_recruitment_) February 16, 2022
- Have you ever forgotten to turn off the camera during a Zoom meeting, while doing stuff that shouldn’t be part of the meeting? Happens to the best of us!
Eat. Sleep. Mute. Repeat. #zoommeeting #memeoftheday #arvindkejriwal #modiji #zoomcall #wfh #wfhmemes #wfhlife pic.twitter.com/kwcQTawrGE
— Andy (@iamandy1987) April 29, 2022
Work from home memes gif
- Work from home is so flexible. Countless times, I’ve been tempted to take my laptop to the toilet, but I haven’t…yet!
- Do you complain about how much the kids disturb? Kids are not the only distractions in a work-from-home setting. Phones are more distracting than kids because they are always with you. That is why I keep my phone in a drawer next to me when working
- Does your Wi-Fi sometimes go off when you really need it for an urgent job? How annoying can that be?
- Multitasking is a must for a work-from-home mom. However, it may affect your productivity if you don’t separate your work life from your personal life. Create that boundary.
- When you work from home, it can be difficult to take your mind off the snacks and instant foods in the fridge. Just remember your health though.
- The sedentary lifestyle is one of the greatest harms of working from home. To stay in shape, you should make time for exercise. Can’t go for a run? Your kitchen space can be useful. It is even more useful when you need an energy boost to finish a job.
Did you love these work from home memes? I bet you did, especially as they are as funny as they are true. Hey momma! You are doing a great job working from home and should be applauded.
Give yourself those priceless, and much needed breaks sometimes!
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