Are you looking for work from home part time jobs? In this post, we have compiled a list of flexible part time work from home jobs you can choose from.
A lot of people now opt for work from home part time jobs to fit in with their demanding schedule; this especially applies to stay at home moms who juggle caring for the kids and their family while desiring to earn some money.
Having a part time job where you work from home is a great way to supplement your income and reach your financial goals. But the secret to being successful at a part time job is to pick what you love doing.
Below are some of the best part time work from home jobs you can do to make good money.
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11 Work From Home Part Time Jobs
1. Online Fitness Instructor
Do you love exercising? Do you still find time for exercise and keeping fit amidst a busy schedule? Can you teach Pilates, body pump, or be a personal trainer? Do you think you can be an exercise coach, or a yoga coach?
If your answers to the above questions are yes, then you’ve gotten your perfect work from home part time job.
While keeping fit, you can make a good amount of money by becoming an online fitness instructor. You can advertise your classes to friends, colleagues, neighbors, and even on your social media handles. The classes can be a few times a week, on weekends, or daily based on your schedule.
The average charge is around $18/hour per person. If you have 10 people in your online class, that is already some good amount of money.
It is one of the most flexible part time work from home jobs if you have a flair for sports. All you need is a good laptop, a webcam that will capture your demonstrations to your students, and a platform like Zoom or Skype where people will only get the invite link after paying.
You can also offer online programs and even start your own training website/blog. Being an online fitness instructor is flexible and you can easily manage it with other commitments.
To make more money and be regarded as a professional, you should consider getting CPR training and certification.
2. Online promotion and marketing specialist
If you are good in promotion and marketing or you’ve worked with a marketing organization before, you can pick this up as your part time work from home job and make good money.
All you have to do is use your social media accounts or a website to create campaigns for businesses, help them market their products and services and get paid for it. Some businesses will even be willing to pay more so that you find influencers that can market their brands.
It is an easy and highly flexible work from home job.
3. Social media manager
If you love being on social media, you can make money by managing social media accounts for individuals and organizations.
It is one of the best part time work from home job you can easily do anywhere you are.
You make your money by charging your clients monthly to manage their social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
You can even take your social media manager work from home job a step further by having a team made up of a graphic designer and a writer. Your team will help manage your clients’ entire branding and you will make more money doing so.
4. Start a blog
Blogging is a very good part time work from home job if you enjoy writing and have interests that you want to share with your readers. As you grow your followership on your blog, you can make money by engaging in affiliate marketing or advertising on your blog.
Another advantage of blogging is that it helps you to build up your own personal brand with time and you can easily turn your blog into a portfolio for other opportunities.
5. Online language tutor
You can teach English language or any languages you are good at from the comfort of your own home. The best part is you don’t even require a degree most of the time.
You can get an online language tutoring part time work from home job that pays up to $20/hour.
Some websites where you can find online tutoring jobs are:
6. Virtual assistant
The need for virtual assistants is increasing daily as more and more people with blogs and websites need assistants to help with their daily tasks, help with their social media accounts, and overall website management. If you love organizing and managing emails, then being a virtual assistant can be the best part time work from home job for you.
You will be hired and paid to help individuals or businesses manage lots of online tasks.
You can earn as much as $50/hour. This is a good part time work from home job that even people without a degree can do.
7. Freelance writing
If you love writing, typing, researching, and putting information together, then this is the best part time work from home job for you.
All you have to do is register on popular freelance websites like:
- Fiverr
- Indeed
- Upwork
- Freelancer
- Ziprecruiter, etc.
The more clients and work you have, the more money you make. It is also very flexible. All you need is an internet connection and a computer.
8. Freelance jobs
Apart from writing, there are other freelance part time work from home jobs you can get from the freelance websites mentioned earlier.
The freelance jobs you can find include:
- Freelance SEO consulting
- Freelance web design
- Freelance digital marketing
- Freelance consulting
- Freelance writing
- Freelance editing/proofreading
- Freelance graphic design
- Freelance web design
- Freelance translation and transcription services, etc.
Choose the one you are skilled at and start offering your services. You can also take courses on Udemy to learn new skills and become better.
For Freelance SEO consulting, you can take courses at Stupid Simple SEO to get started at becoming an expert SEO consultant.
9. Data entry
Are you looking for a super flexible part time work from home job? Then choose data entry. Data entry jobs are very popular right now because a lot of people and businesses need help with data entry and data management.
The best places to find data entry part time work from home jobs are Ziprecruiter and Glassdoor.
10. Medical coding
A lot of companies are looking for medical coders. What is required of you as a medical coder is to translate medical documents and services into the right medical coding for diagnosis or procedures.
This part time work from home job is quite flexible and you can be paid between $20 to $35 per hour depending on your experience.
However, medical coding work from home part time jobs require past experience and some of them may even demand some certifications before employing you.
11.Online customer service rep
Every business needs a customer service rep and that is why this job is in high demand these days. A lot of businesses are springing up and so the need for customer service rep keeps increasing.
What you need include reliable internet connection, a laptop, and a call phone.
Your work will be to:
- Solve problems for customers
- Answer questions via phone calls, chats, emails, or website comments
- Adjust orders
- And other miscellaneous items
Websites to Find Work From Home Part Time Jobs
These days, finding part time work from home jobs is very easy – thanks to the internet. However, below are some legit and best websites to go to when searching for work from home part time jobs.
This legit website will give you access to lots of part time work from home jobs that are flexible. You will find lots of opportunities here.
If you’ve decided to go into freelance services and want to get clients, this is the best website to go to. It is easy to navigate. When you see a task you like, you simply send them a pitch and then the job poster will contact you.
UpWork gives you the option of charging per project or per hour.
This is another well-known and legit job search website that posts jobs in your local area. You can search for available part time work from home jobs and apply.
Indeed also allows you to post your resume on your account so that companies can find you and hire you.
LinkedIn is a social media network, and it has grown to become one of the largest platforms in the world. It has over 700 million users and that number keeps growing daily.
LinkedIn offers you the opportunity to build a professional network, and it also allows you to find part time work from home jobs.
All you need to do is to sign up and create an account. Fill out your profile in a way that shows your professionalism and expertise. Then you start searching for jobs.
Craigslist is a legit website that posts part time work from home jobs, houses and items for sale, and many more. You can easily find a job of your choice here.
Pros of Work From Home Part Time Jobs
The following are some advantages of part time work from home jobs:
- Most part time work from home jobs are highly flexible as you can do them at your own time
- Most part time work from home jobs don’t need much mental strain or capacity like medicine or engineering jobs. They are easy and can be done easily.
- Some part time work from home jobs offer benefits like health insurance for their employees.
- Some part time work from home jobs can be educative since you are learning while working. For instance, in the case of freelance writing, you will have to research a topic before you write on it. This will increase your knowledge and make you vast.
Cons Of Work From Home Part Time Jobs
As with everything, part time work from home jobs also has its drawbacks. Some of them are:
- It’s time draining, you won’t have free time anymore because you will spend most of your free time doing part time jobs work from home.
- There are some part time jobs work from home that have the workload of a full time job.
- You may not make as much money working by the hour when compared to a full time job but there are some part time jobs that pay per hour as a normal job and some even pay more.
- It can be hectic and quite draining managing a part time job work from home job and other responsibilities.
- You will have less time to do the things you love doing, since your free time will probably be channelled to meet up with deadlines of your part time job work from home. The way to work around this is to pick a part time job that is based on your hobby or what you love doing like writing, watching and reviewing movies, translation, etc. By doing this, work will be fun for you and will be less tiresome.
Having a part time work from home job is a great way to increase your income while working based on your own schedule.
We hope you find the perfect part time work from home job amongst the ones listed in this post.
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