20+ Best Mom Blogs To Follow (in 2022)

Mom blogs are different from other blogs out there in the sense that they aim to help parents, especially new moms. 

image of mom blogs

Mom blogs are owned and written by experienced mothers who want to share their parenting lives, tips, and advice with the world. They are commonly known as “mommy bloggers”. 

If you are a mom or a mom-to-be, and you will love to share your experience with the world, having a mom blog is the best way to do this. 

As an experienced mom, you can share your tips and wisdom on how to keep children busy and occupied, this will be of great help to new moms. 

Mom blogs are owned by women who feel that their motherhood story is worth sharing. If you are one of these women, you can share your story and experiences through your blog. 

In this post, we have put together a list of the best mom blogs. These can serve as an example to start your own mom blog. By following the examples in these mom blogs, you can quickly master this challenge and even become one of the best mom bloggers out there. 

Below are some of the top-rated mom blogs you can learn from. We outlined what made them great in this post. 

Please note that the process of selecting these blogs was not easy at all. A lot of these mommy bloggers are doing a great job, some are even working, or into business, and also taking care of their families and blogging at the same time. 

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links from Amazon or other publishers I trust (at no extra cost to you). See disclosure for details.

So, due to space, we just selected a few of the very best but the truth is that all mom bloggers out there deserve to be acknowledged because they are doing their best. 

The Best Mom Blogs

Photo of a mom and her child; mom blogs inspire

1. Finding Balance

Lily Ugbaja is a mom, an expert SEO writer, and entrepreneur who believes that a woman should never have to choose between ambition and motherhood. 

She started this blog to help moms navigate motherhood and carry their dreams along. 

Finding balance is an all-round mom blog, you will find everything pertaining to motherhood. The topics you will find on this blog are:

There are lots of interesting topics you will find on her mom blog, finding balance. You can also ask questions or share your ideas on this blog. 

2. Honest mum 

Vicki Broadbent is a multi-award-winning lifestyle blogger, parenting expert, and TV broadcaster. In her blog, Honest mum, she shares her experience and advice about parenting and mom’s lifestyle. 

She has also written a book that is now sold worldwide. Numerous media channels in the UK and outside the UK have published her articles. 

The main topics covered on this blog are food, lifestyle, and parenting tips. 

3. Your modern family 

Becky is a mother of 4 and she is all about building a home her family would love to come home to. 

On her blog are awesome stories about marriage, motherhood, recipes, home organization, and money-saving tips. There are also budget advice and health-related topics on her blog, your modern family

4. Scary mommy 

One unique thing about this blog, scary mommy is that it is created by numerous mom bloggers around the world and not just owned by a single person. 

Parenting stories with other news related to parenting are shared on this blog and many of the stories go beyond motherhood. They include a much wider perspective. 

However, the main topics covered are pregnancy, parenting, kids, relationships, and lifestyle. 

5. Motherly 

This is an excellent mom blog with lots of compelling topics and an encompassing design. There are many writers and contributors to this blog, and most of them are parenthood experts, moms-to-be, and other women who have something to share. 

The main topics on motherly are babies, gear, and kids. 

6. Confessions of parenting 

Michele is a mom blogger who writes on more than a dozen of different motherhood categories. 

On her blog, confessions of parenting, you will find easy recipes, entertaining printables, and other tools that will help you spend more time with your children and create long-lasting memories. 

The main topics covered on this blog are recipes, parenting, motherhood, and marriage. 

7. Pregnant chicken 

This is one of the best mom blogs if you are looking for a detailed guide on the whole motherhood story. It has lots of articles from getting pregnant to raising your children. 

Every category on this blog, pregnant chicken, is divided into subcategories to help readers find articles they need easily. 

The main topics covered on this blog are parenthood, postpartum, delivery, and pregnancy. 

8. Mamavation 

Moms who are health conscious will live this blog, mamavation. It focuses on our daily habits that give way for various hormone-disrupting chemicals to get into our bodies. 

This mom went the extra mile to get scientifically-backed articles about these important health topics for moms. 

She also writes on how to get these unwanted toxins out of your body and how to raise a healthy family. 

Interesting topics covered on this blog are healthy lifestyle, environment, and motherhood. 

9. The story of five 

If you are looking for a real-life example to help you believe something is possible, then this blog, the story of five is for you. 

This honest mom blogger uses her daily life and experience with her 5 children to teach mothers everything she knows about motherhood. 

She also has innovative and interesting party ideas in case you want to throw a birthday party for your child. The main topics covered on this blog are parenting and lifestyle. 

10. A little bit of momsense 

This blog, a little bit of momsense, touches on a bit of everything you have to know about motherhood. All the things moms think of and take care of are mentioned on this blog. 

Extensive topics covered on this blog are tasty recipes, traveling, lifestyle tips, playtime and learning, activities, parenting, and everything else that makes life worth living. 

Working mom blogs

Photo of a working mom; mom blogs inspire

1. Picklebums 

The picklebums is owned by an Australian mom of 4 who has a lot to say and write about raising children. 

She started her career as a preschool teacher and right now, she is an early childhood educator. On her blog, she shares amazing printables to make motherhood and family life easier for you. 

The main topics covered on this blog are food, printables, activities for kids, and parenting. 

2. Alpha blog

Isabel Kallman launched her blog Alpha mom to give mothers out there every kind of support they need. The main topics covered on this blog are family fun, parenting, and pregnancy. 

She has expanded her website and now receives parenthood stories and tips from other moms and moms-to-be.

3. Teach.Workout.Love

This mom blogger shows women that you can be a working mom and also stay in shape. 

On her blog teach.workout.love, she shares instructions on how to achieve this challenging task. 

By reading her articles, you will learn how to incorporate a workout routine into your busy mom lifestyle and also be a great mom at the same time. 

Interesting topics covered on this blog are fitness, health, lifestyle, and parenting. 

4. Marcie in mommyland 

Marcie believes women don’t have to give up travel once they have kids. She is a perfect example and she shows it on her blog. 

On Marcie in mommy land, you will read her various travel stories from faraway places and learn how to handle travel adventures with your children. 

The topics covered on this blog are parenting and family travels. 

5. Kerry Louise Norris 

Kelly Louise Norris is a mother of 2 who loves Disney as much as her kids. She shares tips and advice on how to travel with your kids and have fun on her blog.

She and her husband want to pass on the love for traveling to their kids by touring the world together. 

Interesting topics you will find on this blog are traveling tips with kids, mama style, health and fitness, pregnancy, and parenting.  

6. Pinot & parenting 

Amy, the owner of this mom blog, pinot & parenting reminds all working and overwhelmed moms out there that they don’t have to choose between their children and career, hobbies, or even their me-time. 

This mom blog will teach you how to take the best from both worlds. Topics covered on this blog are care, self-love, pairing food and wine, and parenting. 

7. Big little feelings 

Two moms, Kristin and Deena started this blog, Big little feelings, to help working moms cope with work and motherhood. 

They talk about the daily challenges working moms face. Deena is a child psychologist and she offers practical advice to help working moms cope with career and motherhood. 

So, if you want to know how to juggle work and motherhood, the right words to say to your toddler, and how to raise children, this is the best mom blog for you. 

The topics covered here are real parenting, family therapy, handling toddlers, and their tantrums, etc. 

8. ModernMom

This is more than just a mom blog, it is a community of mom bloggers helping and enlightening mothers with practical tips and tricks about motherhood, pregnancy, parenting, career, beauty, health, and other important topics. 

The main topics covered on this blog, ModernMom are lifestyle, parenting, and cooking. 

Work-at-home mom blogs

Photo of a mom and her child; mom blogs also provide support

1. The fashionable housewife 

Sarah-Jean shares her experience and advice on being a housewife (stay-at-home mom). She is a housewife and mother of 5 children who is handling things well and also being fashionable at the same time. 

The main topics covered on her blog, the fashionable housewife, are lifestyle, health, fashion, homeschooling, marriage, and parenting. 

2. Mom generations 

Audrey offers tips and advice on ways to keep your children busy. She believes that the best way for a mother to make time for herself is to keep her children busy. 

If you’ve run out of ideas, Audrey’s blog, mom generations is here to give you a helping hand. There are lots of interesting kid activities on her blog that can keep your children occupied. 

Apart from this, you can also find beauty, fashion, and fitness tips, and other hacks you may need. 

The main topics covered on this blog are activities for kids, lifestyle, fashion, and daily life with children. 

3. Micala Quinn 

Micala Quine opened her blog, Micala Quinn in 2017 to help stay-at-home moms start and grow their businesses in their field of expertise. 

Her blog is famous and she has also featured in Forbes. 

On this blog, you will find many free guides to help you take the first steps towards your desired career while taking care of your children all at the same time. 

The main topics covered on this blog are tips for work-at-home moms. 

4. Fireplace and mudpies 

This is one of the best blogs for stay-at-home moms. It gives them creative craft and project ideas that keep their children busy while they have their me-time or time to focus on other things. 

The articles on this blog, fireplace and mudpies are interesting for both mother and children. The moment you start running out of ways and ideas to occupy your children, this is the blog to run to. 

It will solve all your inspiration problems and help you keep your young ones occupied. The main topics covered on this blog are kids’ activities and crafts. 

5. Design mom 

Gabrielle Bliar is a mom of six children and she is doing her best to combine her thrilling family life and design, hence the name of the blog, design mom.

Gabrielle shares her stories, experience, and tips. If you want to see how these niches (motherhood and design) go together, then head to this blog. 

The main topics she covers are building your business while raising your kids. 

6. 24/7 moms 

Are you an exhausted work-from-home mom who is struggling to combine work and motherhood? Then this blog, 24/7 mom is for you. 

You will get round-the-clock support from mothers who have gone through all the phases of motherhood/parenthood. 

From reading this blog, you will learn how to transform exhausting motherhood into an interesting adventure and also create sweet lifetime memories. 

The main topics covered here are home keeping, inspiration, frugal living, marriage, and parenting. 

7. Mom blog life 

This mom blog focuses mainly on work-at-home business ideas for new moms. Also, on mom blog life, you will find other important topics like self-care tips, postpartum recovery, and financial tips. 

This blog is wholly for work-at-home moms, as it shares tips for pregnancy and mom life. 

8. Just simply mom 

Moms have been under lots of pressure in recent years to focus on career, motherhood, fitness, chores, and many things at once. 

Marissa, the owner of this mom blog, just simply mom doesn’t buy this view. She believes it is completely okay to devote a few years of your life to focus on pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood, and just simply be a mom. 

Marissa goes on to share great and practical tips and advice on implementing this. The topics covered on her blog are babies and toddlers, breastfeeding, childbirth, and pregnancy. 

New moms and moms-to-be blogs

Photo of an expecting mom

1. Lucie’s list 

Moms-to-be and new moms will appreciate this blog as they will find lots of comprehensive articles that serve as survival guides for mothers. 

Lucie’s list is one of those mom blogs that can be read by the whole family. It tells new moms and soon-to-be moms what to expect and how to rock their pregnancy. 

Important topics covered on this blog are pregnancy, baby gear, and motherhood through the stages. 

2. Kars4Kids

This is one of the most resourceful mom blogs out there, new moms and moms-to-be will also learn a lot to get prepared for their motherhood journey. 

On this blog, Kars4Kids, you will find a plethora of answers to common questions about pregnancy, motherhood, and childbirth. 

Another unique thing about this mom blog is that is also a charity organization that empowers children and provides a foundation for their happier childhood and life in general. 

The topics covered on this blog are health and safety, parenting, disabilities, education, and differences. 

3. Sleeping should be easy 

This blog is best for new moms, moms-to-be, and mothers of twins. Apart from being creative in her write-up, Nina, the owner of this mom blog, sleeping should be easy also shares her motherhood stories about handling two babies at a time. 

She shares her secret and success tips and the most important of all, how to get enough sleep. We all know how important sleep is to the human body. 

Interesting topics covered on this blog are sleep, twins, family life, motherhood, and parenting. 

4. The gentle nursery 

Yasmine, the owner of this mom blog, the gentle nursery, offers practical advice for all categories of moms, be it experienced moms, new moms, and moms-to-be. 

She blogs mainly about healthy choices from pregnancy to postpartum. Yasmine also shares her motherhood experience and teaches you how to avoid chemicals in products for babies and children. 

She also shares interesting motherhood stories. The main topics covered on her blog are pregnancy, home décor, and baby care. 

5. Mama natural 

Genevieve is the owner of this mom blog, mama natural. She opened this blog in 2010 and ever since then, she has been teaching moms-to-be everything they have to know about pregnancy, postpartum life, and other kid-related topics. 

She also explains how to do everything natural and develop a healthy lifestyle for your whole family. Interesting topics covered on this blog are mom life, toddlers, postpartum, and pregnancy. 

6. Mommy’s Bundle 

Motherhood is one of the biggest challenges a woman experiences throughout her life. Ana, the owner of this mom blog, Mommy’s Bundle, shares her experience and survival tips for new moms. 

The topics she writes on are babies, pregnancy, toddlers, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. 

7. Midwife and life 

Jenny, the owner of this mom blog is more than competent to write for new moms or moms-to-be. She is a mom of three, a former midwife, and a nurse. 

Her blog, midwife and nurse, has a lot of discussions on pregnancy, motherhood, and childbirth. 

She also writes on lifestyle and home décor tips. Topics mostly covered on this blog are mom life, postpartum, birth play, and pregnancy. 

8. Rookie moms 

Photo of a mom and her child

It can be exhausting or terrifying being a new mom. Rookie moms help new mothers deep in the trenches of new motherhood navigate their way. 

It covers everything from newborn to preschool. The blog also shares tips on baby products, improve postpartum symptoms, and emotional stories. 

9. Mom blog society 

This blog isn’t about one mom telling her story, it is a group of moms and parenting journalists from all over the world offering advice, information, and support for moms, especially new moms in the trenches. 

You can find tips on parenting, kid-friendly recipes, travel, and technology on this blog. 

10. Rockin mama 

Rockin mama is owned by a new mom and a NICU nurse who wanted to share her son’s first year of life. She realized that she loved what she was doing and wanted to expand the blog as her posts drew a lot of attention. 

Today, this blog offers a lot of advice to new moms. Topics covered include gluten-free recipes for your babies and a child-friendly review on the latest movies. 

Homeschooling mom blog

1. The purposeful nest 

Ashley makes homeschooling easier if you read her blog, the purposeful nest. She gives you the resources to make it easier, she also includes fun ideas related to reading and learning at home. 

The topics covered on this blog are homeschooling, food, lifestyle, and family. 

Adopted Mom Blogs

1. Foster the family 

Jamie, on her blog, focuses on women who have chosen adoption or fostering. She is unique from other mom bloggers who talk about their personal experiences, pregnancy care, and other important things.

Jamie’s blog, foster the family is purely based on adoption and foster care. She also accepts donations on her blog. 

2. Rage against the minivan 

Mothers looking for more serious topics will love this blog by Kristen. Kristen is a mother of 4 and a marriage and family therapist. 

She has both biological and adopted children and has a lot to share from her experience and profession. Kristen also covers sensitive topics like race and religion. 

The main topics covered on rage against the minivan are religion, race, adoption, and parenthood. 


We hope these blogs will encourage you to start sharing your motherhood experience and tips to help others who are starting theirs or need help. 

Apart from helping millions of moms around the world, these mom bloggers are monetizing their experiences on their websites. You can become a great mom blogger too and one day, your blog will be among the list of best mom blogs. 

Share for good karma ;)

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