How To Get Rid Of Apron Belly (9 Practical Solutions)

The constant thing in life is change and apron belly comes as a result of changes to your physical body. This may be due to weight loss or gain, childbirth, or other events that may result in having an excessive amount of tissue probing out from your abdomen. Perhaps you find yourself in this state and you are thinking of how to get rid of apron belly, know that you are not alone and this article is set to provide a lasting solution to this challenge.

Image of how to get rid of apron belly

Aside from the discomfort experienced due to having an apron belly, there are also some underlying health issues that may come with it. This article focuses on exposing you to the different ways you can do away with your hanging belly…for good.

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But first,

What Is Apron Belly?

An apron belly happens when the abdominal skin enlarges and the fat cells expand due to additional weight gain or pregnancy.

Apron belly – also known as pannus stomach – varies in size. It could be hanging from the top of your pubic area to the knees or just to the upper thighs. It is a challenge common to women however it has been discovered that men are not exempted too.

The physical outlook of an apron belly may not seem to pose any threat, therefore, some people choose to live with it. Unfortunately because of the problems it may create health-wise, you should take adequate steps to get rid of it.

Some of the challenges that can arise from having an apron belly include;

  • Heart disease
  • Type2 diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Pains and discomfort
  • Soreness (due to constant rubbing against your skin)

This implies that though the pannus stomach in itself is no threat, however it can result to life-threatening diseases, so it is better to get rid of it. This can be through surgical and non-surgical procedures.

What Causes Apron Belly?

If you suddenly realize your belly is beginning to hang out of your stomach, you may wonder why this is so, even if you haven’t changed your lifestyle. Well, such an experience isn’t unique to you and there are several other persons both male and female that are constantly faced with this challenge without being able to figure out the exact cause.

However, here are the basic causes of apron belly

  • Pregnancy
  • Weight Gain

Pregnancy causes you to gain extra weight and when this happens, there is the stretching out of your belly caused by an expansion of the fat around your internal organs which causes extra deposits of fat into the omentum. This is also applicable in other situations where weight is gained due to other factors aside from pregnancy.

Effects Of Having Apron Belly

Besides the threats apron belly may pose to one’s health, there are other emotional and physical effects that it has and some of these are;

  • It may ruin your self-confidence
  • It can be painful
  • Also, it can affect your sex life
  • Makes you feel uncomfortable
  • The bulges hang out through your clothes.

How To Get Rid Of Apron Belly Without Surgery

Photo of someone with apron belly; find out ow to get rid of apron belly

Let’s discuss ways of getting rid of the apron belly without surgery.

  1. Consume Helpful Diet

Avoid foods that can increase calories in your body. Eat moderately and consume more vegetables, nuts, and fruits. Protein foods are of utmost importance and should never be left out of your diet because they contain amino acids for building the body’s tissues.

  1. Be Active

This involves engaging in physical activities that help you to burn down excess fat from your body. Examples of these activities include walking, using the stairs, gardening, etc.

  1. Full–Body Exercise

Engaging in a full-body exercise is a perfect way of eliminating excess fat in the body. Don’t focus on exercises targeted at your stomach (it may not work), instead focus on exercising your entire body parts, then will you be able to effectively burn calories which will help you get rid of the apron belly.

Cardio exercises such as jogging, swimming, and running will also help a great deal because it increases your heart rate, burns down fat in the process, and reduces the chance of having heart disease.

  1. Proper Posture

The abdomen enlarges due to bad posture but if your upper body is well positioned, it will work on shedding off excess fat in your stomach. So practice and maintain proper posture always.

Postures with yoga and exercises like squatting, back bridges, push-ups, and handstands will go a long way to improve your stomach health.

  1. Balance Your Hormones

Hormonal imbalance like insulin levels and high cortisol can result in a collection of fat around the abdomen. Reduce or eliminate your caffeine intake, also make sure you get enough sleep and eat healthy nutrients to regulate your hormones.

  1. Compression Garments

Compression clothing also works like magic. It helps to compress your stomach and waist while giving you a well-toned belly. Note that this strategy does not get rid of the apron belly however it flattens out your stomach. Check out more apron belly support here.

  1. Regular In-take Of Water

Taking not less than two liters of water daily will help you lose weight without losing your skin because it improves the elasticity of your skin.

  1. CoolSculpting Procedure

CoolSculpting involves the use of a cooling applicator to freeze the excess fat surrounding your abdominal area. Once these fats have been frozen, your body turns them into waste that will be dispelled out of the body. This process may last up to an hour but its results may not be evident until about three months.

Another means of eliminating belly fat is through:

Surgical Procedure

Photo of a surgical procedure to get rid of apron belly

This process is known as panniculectomy. It is a process designed to help you get rid of an abdominal apron. It is assumed to be the most effective and quick way of eliminating excess fat. Unfortunately not everyone may be approved to undergo this surgery because there are factors that must be met.

This surgical procedure may cost about $15,000 to cover for facility, anesthesia, and surgeon fees and this can easily be taken care of by your insurance provider. However, note that this is different from tummy tuck because it only removes excess fat but does not tighten the abdominal muscles for a cosmetic appearance which a tummy tuck does.

To achieve a cosmetic appearance while getting rid of your belly fat, you can have a tummy tuck procedure performed alongside the panniculectomy. Therefore, you will be approved for panniculectomy if you meet the factors below:

  • You have no underlying health challenge
  • You don’t smoke
  • The state of your abdominal fat causes some health challenges like ulcers, back pain, or skin rashes.
  • You have maintained a stable weight for not less than six months.
  • Also, you must be physically active
  • You must have been maintaining a healthy diet.

Procedure for panniculectomy

The panniculectomy procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon. An anesthesiologist will administer you anesthesia that will make you sleep. The surgeon goes ahead to make a horizontal cut from the first hipbone to the other.

The surgeon goes ahead to take out excess skin and fat. He then pulls the remaining tissues and skin together and closes it up with stitches and tapes the incision area. You may experience after-effects like bleeding from the wound site, pains, swelling, and numbness.

Frequently Asked Questions on How To Get Rid Of Apron Belly

How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of An Apron Belly?

This will depend largely on how severe your condition is. But changes usually start from six weeks while others may take a longer time.

Does Compression Garment Work?

Compression garments will not take out the pannus stomach but will only flatten out your stomach.

What Causes An Apron Belly?

The main causes of belly fat are pregnancy and weight gain.

How Can I Get Rid Of Belly Fat Without Surgery

You can eliminate apron belly by –consuming a healthy diet, exercising your entire organs, taking a right posture always, engaging in physical activities all through the day, and cool sculpting.

What Type Of Exercise Can Take Away My Belly Fat?

A full-body exercise is perfect to get rid of your pannus stomach. You can also check out other exercises for apron belly.

Final Thoughts

Having an apron belly should not be the end of your life or make you lose your self-confidence. You can take advantage of the tips in this article on how to get rid of apron belly which may be through surgical or non-surgical procedures.

The surgical procedure takes away the belly fat almost immediately. However, the non-surgical method requires deliberate and consistent effort ranging from consuming the right foods, engaging in proper exercises, being involved in the right activities, and staying patient in expectation for a positive outcome.

Remember the belly fat did not happen in a day hence it may take some time to go away. The important thing is to be consistent and determined, and you will get rid of the apron belly eventually.

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