Spectra S2 Breast Pump (Pros & Cons) 

Are you looking for the best breast pump to get you through your nursing period? Maybe you have heard the buzz about Spectra S2 breast pump and want to know if it is worth investing in. Well, you’ll find out soon enough.

image of spectra s2

Busy moms have been using breast pumps to express milk since the mid-19th century, and the technology has further improved today. 

However, Spectra S2 breast pump is only one of the many brands out there. Read this review before making your purchase. We have covered the pros and cons, its features and benefits, and also compared it with other breast pump brands. Additionally, we included real-life moms’ experiences with this breast pump.

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Spectra S2 breast pump overview

Spectra S2 electric breast pump is a product of Spectra Baby USA. It has a mix of soft pink and white and is suitable for single or double pumping.

With its natural nursing technology and adjustable settings, you can let down milk through the two-phase cycling feature of massage and expression mode.

Each pack of Spectra S2 breast pumps you buy from Amazon contains:

  • One electric palm
  • Two breast Shields
  • 2 bottles
  • 2 flanges and suction tubes
  • One AC adapter

Pros and cons of Spectra S2 breast pump


  • It is cheaper than the Spectra S1 counterpart and has the same features except for one
  • Lightweight and quiet for public pumping
  • Closed system pumps for contaminant-free milk
  • BPA free


  • Doesn’t use batteries, so you must plug it into a power source before pumping.
  • Needs wide-neck bottles, but you can buy an adapter separately.

Key features and benefits of Spectra S2 breast pump

Photo of Spectra breast pump

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Spectra S2 breast pump has a soothing soft pink and white color to help moms through their lactation phase. This is breast pump has the following features

Closed pumping system

The closed system pumping places a healthy barrier between your breast milk and the pump motor. It uses backflow protection to prevent your milk from harmful bacteria, making it safe for your baby.

This is a huge plus for moms who express milk frequently but don’t have enough time to wash every part of the pump.

Also, cleaning is a breeze because of this closed system. Since milk only touches a few parts of the pump, you only have a few parts to wash and sterilize.

Massage mode

Spectra S2 breast pump mimics the natural nursing technology and begins each pumping session by stimulating the breast to let down milk. This session can last for various durations; you set the best for you.

The automatic stimulation saves you the stress of massaging your breast yourself, reminding your body that it is time to release the milk.

Single and double pumping

Don’t have time to pump one breast after another? Use the double pumping system to express milk with your two breasts. It is a time-saver and is most effective when your baby is hungry. 

Also, if your child can’t wait, you can start nursing him from one breast while expressing from the other. 

Quiet mode

Pumping in the office is discreet with the Spectra S2 breast pump. The motor is so quiet that you will pump without drawing anyone’s attention. Women who feel embarrassed by the sound of their pumping machines can will love the Spectra breast pump.  

Built-in nightlight

Don’t waste time looking for a flashlight or light switch to see the buttons on the pumping machine. Spectra Baby USA built in a two-level nightlight to help you use the machine at night. This light is soft enough to allow you to fall asleep immediately after pumping. This will benefit you if you are a sleep-deprived new mom. 

Separately adjustable speed and suction levels

The suction levels don’t always have to be as high as the speed. Spectra S2 allows you to regulate these speed and level combinations best suit you. It could be a lower suction level with high speed, a higher suction level with low speed, or both low or high.

How Spectra S2 breast pump works

Spectra S2 breast pump is an affordable hospital grade to help you express milk easily. Each pumping session begins with the massage mode and ends with the expression mode.

The massage mode stimulates your breast to let down milk just like a baby would before they start sucking. After this, the machine will switch to the expression mood to draw out the milk from your breast in a slow deep pattern.

You can go back and forth between the massage and expression mode if you feel your body has not stimulated enough to let down milk.

How to use the Spectra S2 breast pump

Spectra S2 pumping machine starts with the expression mode, so first turn on the pump before putting on your breast to avoid the initial shock. When ready to use, press the ‘bacon’ button or wavy line to activate the massage mode and place the flanges on your breast.

Most moms feel comfortable with a massage mode on vacuum 1 and cycle 70. Readjust this if it is not okay for you. After finding a comfortable setting, slowly increase the vacuum level until milk starts flowing from you. 

At this point, lower the Cycle speed to 54 and increase your Vacuum level to 4 or 5, depending on what is most comfortable for you. Increase to the highest level you can use. If your milk flow reduces, switch back to the massage and expression mode. 

Avoid very high suction levels. They can cause pains in your breast, if not damage.

Spectra S2 breast pump vs. S1

These two electric breast pumps are products of Spectra Baby USA. They both have the hospital-grade pumps and are highly efficient for pumping.

The differences between the S1 and S2 breast pumps lie in the color, battery, and price. The S1 counterpart has a blue color, while the S2 has pink. 

Also, the Spectra S1 breast pump has an in-built rechargeable battery that makes it more portable and easier to carry around. This battery can last up to 3 hours of pumping without plugging to a power source. You can’t do this with the S2.

Due to the portability of the S1, it is more expensive than the S2. The Spectra S2 is perfect for moms on a budget, and insurance can cover the entire cost.

Stay-at-home or work-from-home moms can use the S2 breast pump since there will always be a power socket waiting for use. Go for the S1 pump if you will express in the office or anywhere you can’t find a power source.

Spectra S2 breast pump vs. others

Medela Pump In Style breast pump

Photo of Medela Pump in style breast pump

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Medela Pump In Style is more comfortable, quiet, and portable (because of the built-in battery than the Spectra S2 pump. It also has more pumping accessories than the S2 pump. But the Spectra S2 has a built-in night light, adjustable suction strength and speed with separate buttons, and a clear digital screen, which are absent in Medela Pump In Style. 

Ameda Purely Yours Double Electric Breast Pump

Photo of Ameda Purely Yours breast pump

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Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump offers even more flexible options. You can use it with a car adapter, AC adapter, or AA batteries. It is cheaper than Spectra S2, but you may find the noise inconvenient. 

The First Years Quiet Expression

Photo of First years quiet expression breast pump

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You will love The First Years Quiet Expressions breast pump if you are on a budget. It comes with an AC adapter, one tote bag, and two 4-ounce GumDrop bottles to collect your milk. The value is excellent for the price. 

Though it is cheaper than Spectra, Spectra has a hospital-grade pumping motor and more accessories. It is a suitable choice for moms on a budget.

Medela Harmony

Photo of Medela Harmony breast pump

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A manual breast pump is not that bad. You can always carry it in your bag when you can’t fit your electric pump into your bag. Medela Harmony manual breast pump is lightweight, cheap, and great for casual pumpers. You can express a few ounces of milk quickly without the bulk of a full-sized pump.

Medela is cheap and efficient for short pumping sessions. But Spectra is more efficient, mimicking the natural way a baby sucks. This natural breastfeeding technology makes it more comfortable for moms to express.

How to care for your Spectra S2 breast pump

According to Spectra, you must wash all your breast pump parts, besides the pump motor and tubing, in hot soapy water after every use. You should also wash and sterilize them before the first use. Use a clean wet rag to clean the pump when it is dirty.

Do not put your tubing in the dishwasher. But you can wash the flanges, bottles, and other plastic parts of the backflow protectors on the dishwasher’s top shelf.  

Do not over sterilize your breast pump parts, so they do not warp or damage.

Exclusive pumpers should replace their pump parts frequently. Even when you do not pump exclusively, replace your Spectra S2 pumping parts when you notice that its suction strength is reducing or in the following time frames:

Parts Time frame
FlangesEvery 6 months
Backflow protectors Every 6 months if you pump at most 3 times a day or 3 months if you pump at least 2 times a day 
TubingWhen there is moisture inside
Duckbill valveOnce a month if you pump at most 3 times a day or every 2 months if you pump at least 2 times a day

Reviews from real-life moms

Anne shares the pros and cons of Spectra S2

Anne Aslanides is a blogger at Easier Motherhood and a mom of 2. She used the Spectra S2 breast pump with her first and second children. She said:

“I was definitely satisfied with the S2, and grateful my insurance covered it as one of their options, though it would have been nice to be able to upgrade to the S1 for the added portability.

Things I loved about my S2:

-that it had a small nightlight on it so you could see what you were doing without turning on a super bright light during the night

-how gentle it was, especially on letdown mode which I would sometimes use for a full session

-that it lasted- while I wasn’t an exclusive pumper it worked well for my firstborn and then again for my second, and since it’s a closed system I was able to pass it on to another mom after that

Things I didn’t love about my S2:

-being tethered to an outlet

-the “cup holder” in it that’s meant for the breast milk isn’t deep enough for me to feel like a bottle would be secure there, though it is a handy place to store nipple cream.”

Madilyn says it’s superb

Madilyn Hill is the CEO at TruePersonFinder, a new start-up technology company specializing in people search which provides you with true information and public records to avoid fake and fraud on the internet. She said:

“Honestly speaking, I can’t think of any other breast pump. Only Spectra S2 is the name I trust. My skin is ultra-sensitive and has severe bruises on my nipples from the sucking while I was breastfeeding my infant girl. There was bleeding at times. It was my first pregnancy and I was scared to death. It stopped me from breastfeeding her. But, then I have a Spectra S2 breast pump that is very gentle on the skin. I faced zero discomforts. Its messaging mode is superb. The only complaint I have is no battery support. It should be there as having accessibility to the power supply is not possible while you travel.”

Stella loved it

Stella Cooper is the CEO of PaydayLoansUK an organization that helps people find a wide variety of loans from reliable lenders really quickly. She said:

“I have been using the Spectra S2 breast pump since my first pregnancy and am happy to have it. The pump is hospital grade and is useful to pump out the milk for your baby. I liked its messaging mode a lot as it automatically starts the sucking motion message giving you a real feel of a baby on your breast. While it does so, it doesn’t forget to be extra gentle. The strokes are not at all forced and make sure that not a single drop of breastmilk is wasted as it’s precious. But, it’s not always a good deal as it’s not battery operated. So, you have to be around an AC power plug whenever you want to use it.”

Maria was impressed

Maria Saenz is the CEO of Fasttitleloans. Our company intermediates superfast Car Title Loans to help people with financial emergencies for short-terms. She said:

“Spectra S2 was the second breast pump that I tried. My sister recommended it to me as she was happy with it. As far as my experience is concerned, I found it okay; not extraordinary as many of its users are claiming. I am a sales professional and have to be out or visit clients’ offices many times. As this breast pump is not something one can easily carry, it remained unused most of the time once I resumed my job. Also, you need to use only wide-neck bottles to collect the milk. However, its extra gentle operation and closed pumping systems are quite impressive.”


Is Medela or Spectra better?

Spectra has more features than Medela. Unlike Medela, you can regulate your suction levels and cycle speed separately with Spectra. Also, Spectra makes less noise when pumping than Medela.

What is the difference between Spectra S1 and S2?

The Spectra S1 uses a rechargeable battery, while S2 only operates when you plug it into a light source. 

Is Spectra breast pump considered hospital grade?

The Spectra breast pump is considered a hospitable grade pump because of its powerful suction strength. Also, it has a closed pump system which keeps your milk contaminant-free after pumping.

Can you double pump with Spectra S2?

Yes, Spectra S2 is a single and double breast pump. You can choose to pump from one or two breasts simultaneously.


Spectra Baby USA produces great breast pumps, and the S2 is a great one to try. Though without rechargeable batteries, it offers a quiet and efficient way of expressing milk. We particularly love the night light and digital screen features. These set the breast pump apart from other brands. Buy Spectra S2 breast pump on Amazon.

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